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Ways We Care

with Gesa Piper (2022)

This is

a body of many bodies,
a stream of many streams,
a moment that opens to many,
a not-knowing, a surrender, a drop or many,
a drift, a float, journeys,
a rhizome, a matrix

of memories through time unmeasured ...

A three-headed monster
- the many faces of care -
turn to ask the moon:

is land body?

i land with this body,

bodyland now here with you
island body of water belonging

to this memory matrix
memory of the sea ice,

memory in the water of

where it fell from the sky,
memory in my body

rolling over you slowly

remembering together,
membrane of hard ice meeting skulls

like precarious pals,
karaoke of intestines to the

symphony of you melting
a moment between the birdsong and the body

do you see her dance you?

Images: stills from moving images taken at Pro Artibus Residency, Tammisaari, 2021

Featuring Gesa Piper & Georgie Goater

A collaboration and shared artistic hersory that has spanned over multiple solstices, Ways We Care came to be shared as a performance event on the Summer Solstice of 2022, June 21st on Mustikkamaa, Helsinki between Piper and Goater with invited audience. 

The work is an inquiry into the embodied relationship with place, cycles and memory. Audience were invited to immerse, witness and participate or just be with in coexistence with the place and performance.


The 'memory-um' - a memory matrix practice invited the final participation and conclusion to the piece. 

Event Invitation: Ways We Care 

Supported by Arts Promotion Centre Finland 

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